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10 kwi 2011 · How can I use the DISTINCT clause with WHERE? For example: SELECT * FROM table WHERE DISTINCT email; -- email is a column name I want to select all columns from a table with distinct email addres...
PostgreSQL has a special non-standard DISTINCT ON operator that can also be used. The optional ORDER BY is for selecting which row from every group should be selected: SELECT DISTINCT ON (key) key, value FROM tableX -- ORDER BY key, <some_other_expressions> ;
23 wrz 2023 · To find unique values using the ROW_NUMBER() function, you can use a PARTITION BY clause as shown below: WITH numbered_rows AS ( SELECT name, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY name ORDER BY name) AS row_num FROM employees ) SELECT name FROM numbered_rows WHERE row_num = 1;
26 mar 2024 · Below are methods that help us to SELECT DISTINCT on multiple columns in SQL. Syntax: SELECT DISTINCT column01, column02, ..... FROM table_name WHERE (specify the condition if required ) ; SELECT DISTINCT without WHERE Clause; SELECT DISTINCT with WHERE Clause; SELECT DISTINCT with ORDER BY clause; SELECT DISTINCT with COUNT() and GROUP BY clause
24 wrz 2023 · If you’re not familiar already, SELECT DISTINCT is a handy tool in our SQL arsenal that helps to return unique values within a database column. Here’s how we can use it in its simplest form: SELECT DISTINCT column_name FROM table_name;
5 kwi 2021 · In this article we look at how to retrieve a list of distinct datasets from SQL Server without repeating information using the DISTINCT clause.
5 maj 2015 · Assuming your table of data is called ProjectInfo: SELECT DISTINCT Contract, Activity FROM ProjectInfo WHERE Contract = (SELECT Contract FROM (SELECT DISTINCT Contract, Activity FROM ProjectInfo) AS ContractActivities GROUP BY Contract HAVING COUNT(*) = 1);