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  1. You want to use STR_TO_DATE to first convert the incorrect string to a real date object, then use DATE_FORMAT to turn it back into a string of the format you want. Also, your WHERE condition won't work like that.

  2. In a MySQL database, the DATE_FORMAT() function allows you to display date and time data in a changed format. This function takes two arguments. The first is the date/datetime to be reformatted; this can be a date/time/datetime/timestamp column or an expression returning a value in one of these data types.

  3. 22 wrz 2023 · SELECT DATE_FORMAT(your_column,'%d-%m-%Y') AS new_format FROM your_table; That ‘%d-%m-%Y’ string? That’s telling MySQL exactly how we want our date formatted.

  4. The format of a DATE value is 'YYYY-MM-DD'. According to standard SQL, no other format is permitted. You should use this format in UPDATE expressions and in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements. For example: SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE date >= '2003-05-05';

  5. This tutorial shows you how to use the MySQL DATE_FORMAT function to format a date value based on a specific format.

  6. 23 sie 2019 · How to update the date format in MySQL? Let us first create a table −. Insert some records in the table using insert command −. Display all records from the table using select statement −. This will produce the following output −. Following is the query to convert date format −. This will produce the following output −.

  7. 24 lut 2012 · mysql_query("UPDATE `Table` SET `date` = STR_TO_DATE(`date`, '%d-%m-%Y')"); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `Table` CHANGE COLUMN `date` `date` DATE"); Additionally, consider switching to the recommended PDO extension in place of old and slowly deprecated mysql extension.

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