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9 lip 2014 · What you want is called UNPIVOT and done like so: select id,field,value from #document_fields unpivot ( value for field in (x,y,z) ) as u order by id,field Demo
You can use the PIVOT and UNPIVOT relational operators to change a table-valued expression into another table. PIVOT rotates a table-valued expression by turning the unique values from one column in the expression into multiple columns in the output.
26 maj 2022 · You can use PIVOT to rotate rows in a table by turning row values into multiple columns. The following diagram illustrates what PIVOT can do where we take 4 rows of data and turn this into 1 row with 4 columns.
SQL Server: UNPIVOT Columns to Rows with Built-In UNPIVOT Operator. Alternatively, Use UNION ALL Statements to UNPIVOT to Convert Columns to Rows.
In this post, we'll use the built-in UNPIVOT operation to normalize data by converting columns to rows. We'll also cover an alternative approach to UNPIVOT data using multiple UNION ALL statements. You can use this DB Fiddle to follow along with SQL Server UNPIVOT Examples in this post.
4 gru 2015 · With SQL Server >= 2008 you can also replace UNPIVOT by and along with PIVOT: SELECT v.[Type], [value], [Data] FROM @data d. CROSS APPLY (values. (d.[type], CAST(d.ColA as varchar(10)), 'ColA') , (d.[type], CAST(d.ColB as varchar(10)) , 'ColB') , (d.[type], CAST(d.ColC as varchar(10)), 'ColC') , (d.[type], CAST(d.ColD as varchar(10)), 'ColD')
22 wrz 2023 · SQL offers an UNPIVOT operator that converts columns to rows. I recall using UNPIVOT after someone imported an Excel workbook into SQL as a table. You could also use it if someone created a table and violated every normalization rule. PIVOT stands out when you know how many columns exist. Sometimes, you don't know the number upfront.