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25 paź 2022 · Try INSERT INTO Documents_Table (BROKER_LOAD_NUMBER, PDF_FILENAME, PETS_LOAD_NUMBER, PAPERWORK) VALUES (@bl, @fn, @pl, @pdf)" and cmd.Parameters.Add("@pdf", SqlDbType.VarBinary, -1).Value = data. Size = -1 is needed to exceed 8000 bytes; it maps to varbinary(max) .
30 sty 2018 · In older versions (<= 2012), SSMS provides error location information relative to the batch starting point of the erroneous query. This means if you have a window full of T-SQL batch statements, your error message will be relative to the last "GO" in the editor before the syntax error:
29 paź 2020 · Whenever I encounter this problem, using dynamic SQL is usually a solution. Give that a shot: IF (SELECT COUNT(1) FROM #listavarejo) > 0 EXEC sys.sp_executesql N'SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET(''Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.15.0'',''Excel.0;Database=C:\folder\excelfile.xlsx'', [Planilha1$])'; ELSE RAISERROR('NO FILES INSIDE FOLDER.',16,10);
12 wrz 2022 · Learn how to build conditional logic when writing SQL code using IF, BEGIN, END, ELSE, and ELSEIF logic.
Consult this SQL Server error code list (between 7000 and 7999) to find explanations for error messages for SQL Server database engine events.
Consult this SQL Server error code list (between 5000 and 5999) to find explanations for error messages for SQL Server database engine events.
It provides a table with over 100 SQL error codes ranging from -11002 to -53, along with a brief description of each error. The document also explains how to look up the meaning of an SQL error code in Cache ObjectScript or call it as a stored procedure.