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  1. Is there any way to cast a number into a decimal with a specified number of decimal places? I tried: SELECT ... CAST(NumericField AS NUMERIC(15, @DecimalPlaces) AS NumericField, ... ...

  2. 27 sie 2017 · alter session set NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS = '.,'; DECLARE numVar NUMBER; BEGIN numVar:= 2.1; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Raw Number: '||numVar); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Function Number: '|| test1(2.1));

  3. 1 cze 2021 · Cast one to decimal: CAST(123 AS decimal) / 2. To avoid this error, make sure that the denominator is not equal to 0. You can use the NULLIF() function to replace 0 with a NULL, which will result in a NULL for the whole expression: count / NULLIF(count_all, 0)

  4. 1 cze 2021 · Cast one to decimal: CAST(123 AS decimal) / 2. To avoid this error, make sure that the denominator is not equal to 0. You can use the NULLIF() function to replace 0 with a NULL, which will result in a NULL for the whole expression: count / NULLIF(count_all, 0)

  5. 1 cze 2021 · Whenever you need accuracy (such as dealing with monetary values), use the decimal / numeric type (or money if available). Most databases won't complain, but do check the documentation if they do. For example, if you want to specify the rounding precision in PostgreSQL, the value must be of the numeric type.

  6. 5 sty 2024 · Let’s see some examples of creating an SQL DECIMAL data type, including how to insert data into a decimal and how to select data. Example 1: Create Table with Decimal. This example shows how to create a new table with a decimal field. CREATE TABLE bank_account ( account_id INT, account_name VARCHAR(200), account_balance DECIMAL(20,2) ); This ...

  7. Our SQL tutorial will teach you how to use SQL in: MySQL, SQL Server, MS Access, Oracle, Sybase, Informix, Postgres, and other database systems. Start learning SQL now » Examples in Each Chapter

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