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  1. 1 cze 2021 · Fetch all names that start with any letter followed by 'atherine': SELECT name FROM names WHERE name LIKE '_atherine'; Fetch all names that end with 'a': SELECT name FROM n ames WHERE Sname LIKE '%a'; USEFUL FUNCTIONS Get the count of characters in a string: SELECT. LENGTH('');-- result: 12 Convert all letters to lowercase: SELECT ...

  2. SQL Handwritten Notes Repository: A collection of PDF notes covering SQL concepts with concise definitions and examples. Explore fundamental commands, date/time functions, joins, and more. Contributions welcome!

  3. Download this eBook for free Chapters. Chapter 1: Getting started with SQL; Chapter 2: ALTER TABLE; Chapter 3: AND & OR Operators; Chapter 4: Cascading Delete; Chapter 5: CASE; Chapter 6: Clean Code in SQL; Chapter 7: Comments; Chapter 8: Common Table Expressions; Chapter 9: CREATE Database; Chapter 10: CREATE FUNCTION; Chapter 11: CREATE TABLE

  4. This 3-page SQL Cheat Sheet provides you with the most commonly used SQL statements. Download the SQL cheat sheet, print it out, and stick to your desk.

  5. Standard SQL Functions Cheat Sheet. CASE WHEN. The basic version of . CASE WHEN. checks if the values are equal (e.g., if. fee is equal to 50, then 'normal' is returned). If there isn't a matching value in the CASE WHEN, then the ELSE value will be returned (e.g., if fee is equal to 49, then 'not available' will show up. SELECT CASE fee WHEN 50 ...

  6. Example: Returns users and their subscriptions, along with a new column called activity_levels that makes a judgement based on the number of subscriptions. SELECT first_name, surname, subscriptions CASE WHEN subscriptions > 10 THEN 'Very active' WHEN Quantity BETWEEN 3 AND 10 THEN 'Active' ELSE 'Inactive' END AS activity_levels FROM users; CHECK

  7. SQL statements are the means by which programs and users access data in an Oracle database. The sections that follow show each SQL statement and its related syntax. Refer to Subclauses for the syntax of the subclauses listed in the syntax for the statements. See Also: Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for detailed information about SQL ...

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