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Function coalesce(column_1, column_2, ...) takes two or more arguments (columns or other values like strings, numbers) and return first non-NULL argument. Principle of work: check if first argument is NULL. if yes, go to the next step, otherwise return the argument
Chapter 1: Getting started with SQL; Chapter 2: ALTER TABLE; Chapter 3: AND & OR Operators; Chapter 4: Cascading Delete; Chapter 5: CASE; Chapter 6: Clean Code in SQL; Chapter 7: Comments; Chapter 8: Common Table Expressions; Chapter 9: CREATE Database; Chapter 10: CREATE FUNCTION; Chapter 11: CREATE TABLE; Chapter 12: cross apply, outer apply ...
1 maj 2023 · Here is my list of some of the best books to learn SQL, which is absolutely free. You can either download their PDF version for offline reading, or you can read them online. 1. SQL Indexing...
10 sty 2012 · IF statements can, by definition, only take a single SQL statement. However, there is a special kind of SQL statement which can contain multiple SQL statements, the BEGIN-END block. If you omit the BEGIN-END block, your SQL will run fine, but it will only execute the first statement as part of the IF. Basically, this:
I learned SQL using Books #1 and #4. Book #4, Learning SQL, helped me the most as a complete beginner. And Book #1, SQL Cookbook, helped me test and build upon my learnings from book #4. I'd recommend them to anyone starting out. And book #6, The Art of SQL, is also great.
This edition of SQL Practice Problems assumes that you have some basic background knowledge about relational databases and tables. However, I’ve added some beginner level questions to gradually introduce the various parts of the SQL Select statement for those with less experience in SQL.
25 paź 2023 · Check out the best SQL books for 2024 and start learning SQL. Our list is ideal for both beginners and seasoned experts.