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  1. 15 wrz 2008 · If you need to write just one condition, then iif() is sufficient, however if you want to write multiple iif() conditions within one statement then you will have to use `case' statement as demonstrated in above responses. Here is an example for your reference. `select.,s.mrn,

  2. The Transact-SQL statement that follows an IF keyword and its condition is executed if the condition is satisfied: the Boolean expression returns TRUE. The optional ELSE keyword introduces another Transact-SQL statement that is executed when the IF condition isn't satisfied: the Boolean expression returns FALSE .

  3. 12 wrz 2022 · SQL ELSEIF and ELSE Condition Like many other programming languages, T-SQL can pair the IF keyword with ELSE IF and ELSE to more easily check multiple mutually exclusive scenarios. When combined, the first statement must be a single IF statement.

  4. 28 cze 2024 · IF… Else instrukcja w SQL Server. In MS SQL, JEŚLI INACZEJ to rodzaj Instrukcja warunkowa. Dowolną instrukcję T-SQL można wykonać warunkowo za pomocą JEŚLI INACZEJ. Poniższy rysunek wyjaśnia IF ELSE na serwerze SQL:

  5. 30 lis 2019 · Instrukcję IF THEN ELSE w SQL Server możemy używać w T-SQL m. in. w blokach anonimowych, procedurach, funkcjach, triggerach. Składnia T-SQL If Then Else wygląda następująco: IF Boolean_expression_1. {...polecenie wykonywane, gdy warunek_1 jest spełniony - ma wartość TRUE...} [ ELSE IF Boolean_expression_2 .

  6. The IF ELSE statement. When the condition in the IF clause evaluates to FALSE and you want to execute another statement block, you can use the ELSE clause. The following illustrates the IF ELSE statement: IF Boolean_expression.

  7. The Transact-SQL statement (sql_statement) following the boolean_expression is executed if the boolean_expression evaluates to TRUE. The optional ELSE keyword is an alternate Transact-SQL statement that is executed when boolean_expression evaluates to FALSE or NULL .

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