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  1. › wiki › SPQRSPQR - Wikipedia

    SPQR is often used to represent the Roman Empire and Roman Republic, such as in video games and movies. In the 2000 movie Gladiator, the Roman general Maximus (portrayed by Russell Crowe) has "SPQR" tattooed on his upper arm, which he removes by scraping after he is sold into slavery.

  2. When people think of ancient Rome, the acronym SPQR is often the first thing that comes to mind beyond the coliseum and gladiators. You’ll find it plastered all over Roman buildings, adorning their battle standards, and gracing coinage, among dozens of other uses; it is near impossible to find a reminder of Roman times without it.

  3. 10 paź 2023 · What does SPQR mean on the Roman flag? The abbreviation “SPQR” on the Roman flag stands for “Senatus Populusque Romanus,” which translates to “The Senate and People of Rome” in English.

  4. 3 paź 2023 · SPQR, an abbreviation for “Senatus Populusque Romanus” or “The Senate and the People of Rome,” is a famous Latin phrase that encapsulates the essence of the Roman Republic and its enduring legacy.

  5. The so-called flag of the ancient Roman republic was red in color and had the letter SPQR on it. SPQR stands for ‘Senatus PopulusQue Romae’ which literally means ‘the Senate and People of Roma’.

  6. 9 maj 2015 · Oznaczają one Senatus Populusque Romanus, czyli „Senat i Lud Rzymski”. Wyrazy te były symbolem rzymskiej tożsamości i przynależności, oficjalną nazwę Imperium Rzymskiego, a skrót SPQR do czasu rozpowszechnienia się na to miejsce wizerunku orła, spełniał funkcję godła państwowego.

  7. 18 gru 2023 · In the days of ancient Rome, there existed a phrase that was held in great regard by the citizens of the empire – SPQR. This acronym, standing for “Senatus Populusque Romanus” in Latin, represented the Senate and the People of Rome.

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