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15 cze 2020 · It describes the classification and types of Spina Bifida (occulta, meningocele, myelomeningocele), symptoms, diagnosis using imaging and tests, and treatment options which may include surgery to close the opening and manage related issues like hydrocephalus.
13 gru 2012 · Spina bifida is a birth defect where the spinal column does not fully close around the spinal cord. It occurs when the neural tube fails to close properly during early embryonic development. The main types are spina bifida occulta (mildest), meningocele (meninges protrude through opening), and myelomeningocele (most severe where spinal cord and ...
23 kwi 2017 · Spina bifida is a birth defect where the spine and spinal cord do not form properly. It occurs when the neural tube fails to close fully during early embryonic development. The most common type is myelomeningocele, where parts of the spinal cord and meninges protrude out of an opening in the spine.
Spina bifida is a birth defect where the spinal cord fails to develop properly, leaving an opening in the spine. There are three main types - myelomeningocele which is the most severe causing paralysis and disability, meningocele where the sac contains fluid but not the spinal cord, and spina bifida occulta which is usually asymptomatic.
Spina bifida is a birth defect where the spine and spinal cord do not fully develop. There are three main types ranging from mild to severe. Symptoms depend on the location and severity but may include leg weakness, bowel/bladder issues, or meningitis/hydrocephalus.
Spina bifida adalah kelainan pada tulang belakang yang dapat melibatkan jaringan saraf. Jenisnya antara lain spina bifida okulta, kistika, meningokel, dan meningomielokel. Penyebabnya adalah kegagalan penutupan neural tube selama perkembangan janin.
Ringkasan dokumen tersebut adalah: Spina bifida adalah suatu kondisi dimana terdapat celah pada tulang belakang yang disebabkan oleh gagal terbentuknya vertebra secara utuh. Kondisi ini dapat menyebabkan penonjolan jaringan saraf dan gangguan fungsi pada bagian tubuh yang dipersarafinya.