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  1. An update on the SP-100 reactor subsystem design and performance is provided. Several key requirements have influenced the design substantially as the more detailed nuclear, thermal/hydraulic, and structural analyses have been completed for the various mission phases including accident safety performance characteristics.

  2. The irradiation testing program has provided in-reactor exposure data for proposed SP-100 fuels which are contained within proposed cladding and liner materials. Both FFTF and EBR-II have been utilized to obtain a fast neutron spectrum environment.

  3. The SP-100 space nuclear reactor was designed to be a highly flexible power supply for orbital systems, Lunar or Martian surface power stations, and nuclear electric propulsion (NEP). Originally, the project was an orbital power supply for the US Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI).

  4. 1 wrz 2023 · Following on from the SNAP programme, the SP-100 was a fast spectrum, lithium cooled reactor design that employed UN fuel and targeted higher temperature (1102 °C compared to ∼ 538–649 °C for the SNAP reactors (Corliss, 1971, USAEC, 1966a)), and much higher power operation (0.1 MWe compared to < 0.001 MWe).

  5. The fuel pin design for the SP-100 reactor uses uranium nitride fuel contained in a niobium alloy (Nb-1Zr) cladding. Chemical reactions occur between the fuel and the cladding at the planned operating temperatures of 1350 to 1500 K, so a diffusion barrier is required to prevent degradation.

  6. An SP‐100 fuel pin irradiation testing program is well on the way to providing data for performance correlations and demonstrating the lifetime and safety of the fule system of the compact lithium‐cooled reactor. Key SP‐100 fuel performance issues addressed are the need for low fuel swelling and low fission gas release to minimize ...

  7. SP-100 reactor for lunar surface power system applications. Two designs were characterized and modeled. The first design integrates a 100-kWe SP-100 Brayton power system with a lunar lan-der. This system is intended to meet early lunar mission power needs while minimizing on-site installation requirements.

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