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You can apply online if the vehicle is registered in your name. Start when you’re ready to take your vehicle off the road. You can apply using the: 11-digit number in your vehicle log book (V5C)
28 kwi 2022 · Co to jest SORN? Termin jest skrótem od 'Statutory Off Road Notification’, czyli oświadczeniem o wyłączeniu pojazdu z ruchu – na przykład samochodu osobowego lub dostawczego. Składając takie oświadczenie informujesz DVLA, że Twoje auto: nie jest i nie będzie w najbliższym czasie użytkowane,
How and when to make a SORN (Statutory Off Road Notification) to stop taxing and insuring your vehicle, including when the SORN is valid, penalties and rules for motor traders.
24 cze 2021 · DVLA is helping motorists by uncovering and busting the common myths that exist around SORN. The clue is in the name. When you SORN your vehicle, it can’t be kept on a public road – so it must be...
8 paź 2024 · A Statutory Off Road Notification (SORN) is a declaration to the DVLA that you are no longer using your vehicle on public roads. This also means you will keep your vehicle on private land and won't park it on public roads.
SORN, which stands for ‘Statutory Off Road Notification’, is a legal requirement that requires you to declare your car as SORN to the DVLA if your car is not being used on the roads and you no longer pay road tax or have insurance.
If you’re not going to use your car for a long time, you can apply for a ‘SORN’, which tells the Driver and Vehicle Licencing Agency (DVLA) that the vehicle won’t be driven on public roads. This guide explains what a SORN is, how to register for one, and the financial benefits of doing so.