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Kamera wideo Sony FDR-AX53 to urządzenie zintegrowane z sensorem typu CMOS, który oferuje łącznie 8,29 milionów pikseli. Rozmiar optycznego czujnika wynosi 1/2,5 cala, co zapewnia skuteczność 8,29 megapikseli zarówno dla zdjęć jak i filmów.
Instrukcja obsługi Kamera SONY 4K FDRAX53B. Odwiedź naszą sekcję instrukcje obsługi na Media Expert. Znajdź i pobierz instrukcję która jest Ci niezbędna!
Refer to “Help Guide” for in-depth instructions on the many functions of the camera. Before operating the unit, please read this manual thoroughly, and retain it for future reference. The model and serial numbers are located on the bottom. Record the serial number in the space provided below.
If you prefer a paper hard copy of a manual listed on this page, you can purchase it from the True Manuals web site. Find instruction manuals and brochures for FDR-AX53.
The Help Guide is an online manual which you can see on your computer or smartphone. Refer to it for the detailed menu and how to use it, or the latest information. desired setting value. Data can be saved in the computer using the PlayMemories HomeTM software. Information volume is greater compared to AVCHD, enabling recording of clearer images.
Find information and receive instant notifications about your product. Find instruction manuals and brochures for FDR-AX53.