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10 cze 2024 · The Groundwater Assessment Data Viewer is an interactive, online map that allows the public to view the water well sampling and monitoring locations reported in the Groundwater Assessment portion of the Texas Water Quality Integrated Report in accordance with Section 305 (b) of the Clean Water Act (CWA).
22 sty 2024 · TCEQ’s Water Well Report Viewer is an online, map-based locator of over 800,000 historical reports for water wells drilled in Texas. User Guide – This downloadable document explains how to use the tools available in the Viewer.
The Water Well Report Viewer allows users to locate and review copies of over 800,000 historical reports for water wells drilled in Texas. It allows the viewer to navigate to counties and grids, and to select the type of reports to view along with the scope (reports by county or by grid number).
Historical well location information may have been collected using a variety of methods including locating from a topo map. The Coord Source field in the groundwater database (GWDB) provides additional information on the accuracy of the well location information and how it was collected.
Find a well report for a well drilled from 2003 to the present: Each orange dot on the map represents a well location. Click on the dot to bring up a table of information about the well (see below). Click on the well report tracking number to open the state of Texas well report for that well.
The GWDB contains well information including location, depth, well type, owner, driller, construction and completion data, aquifer, water-level and water quality data. This database, thanks in part to the cooperation from private well owners and public agencies, is one of the most comprehensive statewide groundwater databases in the entire ...