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Bones is an American police procedural drama television series created by Hart Hanson for Fox. It premiered on September 13, 2005, and concluded on March 28, 2017, airing for 246 episodes over 12 seasons.
1 lut 2016 · Bones is an American drama television series that premiered on the Fox Network on September 13, 2005. The show is a forensics and police procedural in which each episode focuses on an FBI case file concerning the mystery behind human remains brought by FBI Special Agent Seeley Booth to the forensic anthropology team of Dr. Temperance "Bones ...
Inside the Medico-Legal Lab of the Jeffersonian Institute, Dr. Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel) examines the victim’s remains while her colleagues inquire about the resemblances between themselves and the characters in her new book, Bred in the Bone.
This is a list of Bones episodes by production order, along with their broadcast season/episode numbers, and their original broadcast dates. It can be useful to view the series in the order of the production codes.
During the course of the series, 246 episodes of Bones aired over twelve seasons, between September 13, 2005, and March 28, 2017.
After returning to Washington, D.C., renowned forensic anthropologist Dr. Temperance Brennan is called in by FBI Special Agent Seeley Booth to aid an FBI investigation involving a set of bones found hidden in a lake. An SUV explodes outside a cafe, killing several civilians.
Bones is called on to identify the body of a suicide bomber. Bones and Booth investigate the body of a teenager found hanging in a tree on the grounds of an exclusive private school. Bones and Booth travel to Washington to investigate an arm found in a dead black bear.