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Anthropologists’ postmodern self-critique has influenced social scientists and ethnography has increasingly become a way to explore our forms of life. This translates into a perspective that responds to ethical, political, cultural, and social concerns about the production of knowledge.
Anthropology as a moral practice aims not to explain social phenomena (whether on the basis of evolutionary or structural or psychoanalytical laws) so much as to witness the ways in which people struggle to manage the common imperatives of human existence.
Social life and its social space are seen as dialectical; each ac- commodates and Tecreates the other. The anthropological perspective defines 'design'as one aspect of material culture, that is, cultural ideas expressed spatially in a physical form (Kent, 1984).
at the heart of the discipline of social anthropology, scholarly publication is its life-blood: it is chiefly through writing that most anthropologists disseminate the results of their time in the field.
27 sty 2018 · In this chapter, we present the major anthropological currents that directly or indirectly made use of the notion of society in their theoretical reflections and analyses of empirical data.
1 sty 2008 · The Third Edition of Nigel Gilbert's hugely successful Researching Social Life covers the whole range of methods from quantitative to qualitative in a down-to-earth and unthreatening manner.
explore and build theories about social life and human behavior. We conduct empirical research, involving direct observation and documentation, but