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The Social Life of Concepts in Design Anthropology. Adam Drazfn. (Trans)forming Knowledge and Design Concepts in the Design Workshop. Mette Gis/ev Kjrersgaard. Tools and Movements of Engagement: Design Anthropology's Style of Knowing.
‘State’ shows how anthropology has used the concept to convey and prescribe stabilised order and classificatory identities within bounded social units, the message being that state and nation-state are ideological constructs that, when applied to social life, lead to skewed expectations.
Research Design and Research Strategies. Jeffrey C. Johnson and Daniel J. Hruschka. We need a powerful mode of argumentation, a mode that ensures we can represent our representations in credible ways. In such worlds, a systematic argument enjoys a star-spangled legitimacy.
The Third Edition of Nigel Gilbert's hugely successful Researching Social Life covers the whole range of methods from quantitative to qualitative in a down-to-earth and unthreatening manner.
Ethnography as a research approach developed from anthropology and adopted by the sociologists, is the study of belief, social interactions and behaviour with participation and observation over a long period of time among the groups under study and the detailed interpretations of the data collected (Naidoo, 2012).
We define ‘Anthropology through Design’ (AtD) in general as research ap- proaches to generate anthropological knowledge of social and cultural phenom- ena through design activities.
Social Anthropology explores the cultural grounding of social life. By studying people who are ‘not like us’ – from whichever group of people it is that ‘we’ as researchers might belong – anthropologists learn about the surprising differences in everyday living around the world.