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  1. 27 sty 2018 · In this chapter, we present the major anthropological currents that directly or indirectly made use of the notion of society in their theoretical reflections and analyses of empirical data.

  2. The theories of educational anthropology and the methodological perspectives of ethnography in education have produced outcomes that are globally crucial as well as “local knowledge.”

  3. In premodern societies, personal problems and relationships affect the community as a small entity of individuals but not the society at large. In return, modernity generates changes in the social life of individuals, families and any other institutions (Giddens 12).

  4. Introduction: The Meanings of (Social) Life: On the Origins of a Cultural Sociology 3 1 The Strong Program in Cultural Sociology: Elements of a Structural 2 On the Social Construction of Moral Universals: The “Holocaust” from 8 Modern, Anti, Post, and Neo: How Intellectuals Explain Hermeneutics (with Philip Smith) 11

  5. Culturalanthropology (or ethnology), social anthropology, linguistic anthropology, and psychological anthropology are the fields that examine the social and cultural creations of human groups.

  6. The moving of the anthropological field from objectified social reality of institutions and material culture to an inner subject world of people investigated. The critical approach towards existing models of explanation in social sciences became thus a popular tool in the deconstruction of cultural definitions, terms, narratives and histories.

  7. 25 gru 2020 · In this reflection on the field, researchers argue that investigating the production and circulation of social movement knowledges, as contextualized by educational processes and spaces, can...

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