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  1. › en › articleSmart-ID -

    To join mobile-ID, visit your mobile operator service point and take your identity document (ID-card or passport) with you. To join Smart-ID, download the app and create a Smart-ID account: you must personalise it with an ID-card or mobile-ID.

  2. Smart-ID on lihtne ja turvaline viis isikutuvastuseks, dokumentide allkirjastamiseks ja tehingute kinnitamiseks internetis. Smart-ID konto vajab värskendamist (ja taas-isikustamist) iga 3 aasta järel. Enne konto uuendamisega alustamist kontrolli, et kasutaksid kõige viimast äpiversiooni ning et isikustamiseks vajalik vahend oleks kasutusvalmis.

  3. Smart-ID konto loomine on lihtne – eriti juhul, kui oled juba kogenud ID-kaardi kasutaja. Enne registreerima asumist tasub siinsed juhised läbi lugeda, nii saad vajadusel lisainfo lahti teha või abimaterjale juurde lugeda, ja tunned ennast konto loomisega alustades veelgi kindlamalt.

  4. The free Smart-ID app enables you to log in to e-services, confirm transactions and bank transfers and sign documents: its possibilities are almost as vast a those of ID-cards, digital IDs or mobile-IDs.

  5. › en › rubriikID-card -

    10 sty 2024 · The ID-card is a mandatory identity document for all Estonian citizens. You can request one from the Estonian Police and Border Guard Board. If you have lost your PIN code and PUK code, you can request a new code envelope without replacing the ID-card.

  6. › solutions › estonian-e-identityMobile ID - e-Estonia

    Mobile-ID allows people to use a mobile phone as a form of secure digital ID. Like the ID-card, it can be used to access secure e-services and digitally sign documents, but has the added advantage of not requiring a card reader.

  7. You need to be able to authenticate your Smart-ID account with an Estonian, Latvian or Lithuanian social security number / personal identification number. Are you registering with an ID-card? Click here !

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