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  1. After the revision, economic growth for 2022 was slightly higher, at 1.8% of GDP at constant prices (the 1.7% growth was originally published). On the contrary, the growth result for 2021 was slightly lower, at the level of 4.8% compared to the originally published growth of 4.9%.

  2. least in the medium term: cumulative real GDP growth in the post-2015 period in Slovakia was the weakest in the V4 group. Of the seven observa-tions in this period, the SR's performance was the weakest in five of them (Figure 1.1a, b). This translates into further failures of the Slovak economy

  3. GDP growth (annual %) - Slovak Republic from The World Bank: Data. Free and open access to global development data. Data. ... Quarterly External Debt Statistics; Products. World Development Indicators; International Debt Statistics; Other Books and Reports; Country & Lending Groups; Data Portals and Tools;

  4. 7 lis 2023 · In particular, the second quarter of 2022 saw an increase of up to 18 p.p. compared to the 2014 -2019 averages. This is a logical result, as the growth in the final price of the industry's...

  5. HCI and GDP Per Capita PPP (log scale, horizontal axis) Productivity relative to benchmark of complete education and full health. Slovak Republic

  6. Note: The year is indicated in parenthesis if it deviates from the year in the main title of this table (2022). Where the OECD aggregate is not provided in the source database, a simple OECD average of latest available data is calculated where data exist for at least 80% of member countries.

  7. A comprehensive publication that, through visualized data, brings approximately 130 indicators from different areas of life in Slovakia. The most extensive publication of the Statistical Office of the SR brings thousands of data about Slovakia for 2022 and previous four years.

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