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The data indicates that investments to boost existing infrastructure will achieve over half of Singapore’s Zero Waste target, but, to achieve the targets, an accelerated year-on-year reduction of 0.5% annual plastic packaging consumption is required.
Singapore move a step closer to becoming a Zero Waste Nation. The following pages will provide a step-by-step guide on how to implement a waste minimisation and recycling programme at your premises.
Objectives. By the end of this presentation, we hope the participants will be able to: Develop an appreciation of Singapore’s waste management strategies. Understand the plastic waste situation in Singapore. Explore possible R&D scope that can address the local challenges in relation to plastic waste management.
A Rapid Opportunity Assessment* of Singapore’s plastic waste flows and recycling value chain. Identification of potential investment opportunities to increase circularity. Actions required to capture opportunities and unlock value (e.g., minimum feedstock volume, government regulations).
The Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment's Zero Waste Masterplan outlines strategies for reducing waste and promoting sustainable practices in Singapore.
The ZWM and the RSA are part of Singapore’s strategy to build a sustainable, resource-efficient and climate-resilient nation. They set out measures targeting the three waste streams that currently have high generation and low recycling rates: Food. E-waste. Packaging, including plastics.
Employees tasked to promote 3R practices in their organisations can refer to this guide for the planning and implementation of 3R plans. Waste management companies and recycling service providers can also refer to this document to tailor their services for clients in the office environment.