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Click here to download a printer-friendly PDF of the Passover story for kids The Passover seder is an adventure, not a chore — and Kveller’s new, family-friendly haggadah captures all the excitement, plus explains everything you need to know. Best of all? It’s free! Get it here.
17 mar 2017 · They were free! Each year at Passover, we eat special foods, sing songs, tell stories, and participate in a seder – a special meal designed to help us remember this miraculous journey from slavery to freedom.
Over three thousand years ago, G‑d saved the Jewish people and took them out of slavery in Egypt, leading them through the Split Sea and into the land of Israel. Each year we celebrate our redemption from Egypt by reading the story of Passover out loud during the Passover Seder. Here’s how it all began…
This beautifully-illustrated Haggadah – a guide to the seder (Passover ritual meal) – will make your Passover experience more family-friendly, as a guest or a host! This downloadable PDF version of the PJ Library Family Haggadah is interactive, filled with videos of songs, blessings, and explanations.
In this mini-episode special, PJ Library shares a simple, sweet, child-friendly version of the story of Passover, adapted from Exodus.Have I Got a Story For ...
Children will experience the Passover story and explore how God saves his people and we use special meals like the Seder Meal at Passover and Holy Communion to remember God’s great grace. Target Age Group: Children age 5-12 years
Get silly with family or friends by playing with some Passover-themed word games. The printable includes three different Passover-themed games to fill out: a recipe, a story, and a unique spin on the four questions. Puppets, Mad Libs, recipes and more!