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  1. 4 cze 2024 · Siesta time, during which Greeks take a nap to escape the heat, is a sacred tradition of the Greeks, spanning back many centuries.

  2. 11 mar 2021 · Obecnie sjestę praktykuje się w niektórych regionach najcieplejszych krajów Europy, czyli w Hiszpanii, we Włoszech, w Grecji, na Malcie i w Chorwacji. Popołudniowy odpoczynek jest też popularny za oceanem, w Argentynie, Brazylii i Meksyku.

  3. 30 cze 2019 · Siesta to jeden ze sposobów ochrony przed upałem i przed niebezpiecznym działaniem promieni słonecznych. Wielokrotnie przeprowadzane były badania naukowe na temat zalet SIESTY. Organizm ludzki potrzebuje przynajmniej 8 godzin snu w ciągu 24 godzin by zregenerować swoje siły.

  4. In modern Greece, it’s highly recommended to keep silence from 2 till 35 pm. It is said that the one, who sleeps well – works well either. Siesta makes all banks, shops, offices, stores, and restaurants “fall asleep” for some hours. Moreover, this “quiet time” is regulated by the law.

  5. 16 sie 2023 · For centuries, the short nap between 3:00 to 5:30 pm has been recognised by the Greeks as a sacred tradition. The practice focused mainly on small towns and villages, sees the late afternoon siesta as a time to re-energise the batteries to help with late night parties and events.

  6. Siesta time! So if a visitor to Greece is staying in a rooms complex that is near the houses of local Greeks, it is not appropriate to sit outside talking loudly and playing a radio or live music at that time.

  7. Spain, Greece, Italy, and some Latin American countries are well-known for their observance of the siesta. In these nations, the siesta typically lasts for about 30 minutes to two hours, depending on regional customs and individual preferences.

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