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  1. Civil defense in the United States refers to the use of civil defense in the history of the United States, which is the organized non-military effort to prepare Americans for military attack and similarly disastrous events. Late in the 20th century, the term and practice of civil defense fell into disuse.

  2. A surface-to-air missile (SAM), also known as a ground-to-air missile (GTAM) or surface-to-air guided weapon (SAGW), is a missile designed to be launched from the ground or the sea to destroy aircraft or other missiles.

  3. United States Army air defense relies on a range of ground launched missiles, ranging from hand held to vehicle mounted systems. The Air Defense Artillery is the branch that specializes in anti-aircraft weapons (such as surface-to-air missiles).

  4. The Semi-Automatic Ground Environment, or SAGE, was the nation's first air defense system and was the impetus for the establishment of Lincoln Laboratory. The sections below describe the history of this seminal, large-scale system-engineering project, and the role that it had in shaping the culture of Lincoln Laboratory as it exists today.

  5. This monograph examines the modern civil defense system from its inception to the present. The evolution of policies and programs is examined on the basis of five determinants: international crisis and change; quality of civil defense leadership and planning; congressional support and appropriations;

  6. 8 gru 2020 · Today, all United States airspace that is not ADIZ is Defense Area. The last part of the definition, about control of aircraft required for reasons of national security, is an oblique reference to SCATANA or ESCAT.

  7. 13 mar 2022 · Today the DoD defines homeland defense as “the protection of United States sovereignty, territory, domestic population, and critical infrastructure as directed by the President” (United States Department of Defense 2021, 97).

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