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  1. 1 maj 2017 · Many landowners receive only a fraction of their timber's true value because they do not know what they have or how to sell it. Selling timber can be a rewarding experience if you understand the steps involved.

  2. 2 dni temu · By using this information, you can make your next (or first) timber sale both a pleasant and a profitable experience. Before you sell your timber you should consider these questions: How is timber bought and sold? What trees should I sell, and why? How soon must I market them? Are property and cutting boundaries well marked?

  3. There are two principal ways to sell your timber: Negotiated or Bid sales. A negotiated sale is a bargaining process with one buyer and requires a very well informed and knowledgeable seller or seller’s representative.

  4. If you do the math on large white or red oak veneer logs which could average up to $2.00 per board foot, again you will see that loggers are over paid by cutting into the landowner’s profits. Do not under any circumstances, sell veneer logs on shares. To maximize timber profits, contact a professional forester to assist you with the sale.

  5. High-quality red and white oak sawlogs and veneer logs are in demand and sell for top prices. Oaks are considered one of the best fuel woods, and many trees are cut each year for home heating or for use as chips in industrial or institutional boilers. Smaller oak logs are used for pulpwood.

  6. The three main ways of selling timber are: • Standing sales - You sell timber as it stands in the forest at an agreed price per tonne in advance of harvesting. The buyer is responsible for thinning and harvesting. • Roadside sales - You sell timber at an agreed price per tonne to the buyer on the forest road. The harvesting

  7. Income from selling the cut timber or further processed timber products is ordinary income. Gain (loss) is determined by subtracting the FMV of the standing timber in (1), harvesting and processing costs, and selling expenses from the sale proceeds.

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