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  1. The infrared spectrum of benzene is unique and the whole, or selected wavenumbers, can be used to fingerprint its identity, sometimes analysing a mixture containing benzene or following its change of concentration in a reaction.

  2. determine whether an unknown compound contains an aromatic ring by inspection of its infrared spectrum, given a table of characteristic infrared absorptions. state the approximate chemical shift of aryl protons in a proton NMR spectrum.

  3. View scan of original (hardcopy) spectrum. View image of digitized spectrum (can be printed in landscape orientation). View spectrum image in SVG format. Download spectrum in JCAMP-DX format.

  4. This article will provide a table containing the IR spectrum frequency values and the molecules they represent.

  5. 1 mar 2016 · Figure 3: The IR spectrum of benzene, measured as a capillary thin film between two KBr windows. As you read the spectrum of benzene from left to right, note there are three peaks between 3200 and 2800 cm-1, making these C-H stretches.

  6. 1 maj 2016 · We will examine numerous example spectra and learn how the position of C-H wagging peaks, and the presence or absence of a ring-bending peak, allow one to distinguish between mono-, ortho-, meta-, and para-substituted rings most of the time.

  7. An infrared spectroscopy correlation table (or table of infrared absorption frequencies) is a list of absorption peaks and frequencies, typically reported in wavenumber, for common types of molecular bonds and functional groups.

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