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Here we use the SUM() function and the GROUP BY clause, to return the Quantity for each OrderID in the OrderDetails table: Example SELECT OrderID, SUM(Quantity) AS [Total Quantity]
23 lip 2021 · Look at the example below: SELECT SUM(quantity) AS sum_quantity FROM product; In this query, we use SUM() alone in the SELECT statement. The SUM() function adds all values from the quantity column and returns the total as the result of the function. The name of the new result column (i.e. the alias) is sum_quantity.
1 lis 2014 · You should GROUP BY Year, not OrderDate: SELECT YEAR(OrderDate), SUM(TotalDue) FROM Sales GROUP BY YEAR(OrderDate) Order BY OrderDate
SELECT SUM(numbers) FROM ( script -- your subquery will go here ) src -- place an alias here So your full query will be: select sum(numbers) from ( SELECT columnA AS numbers FROM tableA WHERE clause ) src
6 cze 2023 · Here’s the query: SELECT dept_id, SUM( CASE WHEN job IN (‘PRESIDENT’, ‘MANAGER’) THEN salary ELSE 0 END) AS dept_management_salary, SUM( CASE WHEN job IN (‘PRESIDENT’, ‘MANAGER’) THEN 0 ELSE salary END) AS dept_regular_salary FROM employees GROUP BY dept_id;
20 kwi 2023 · Microsoft supports the SUM function to help the SQL database developer write queries to solve these problems. Today, we will explore three main tasks: 1) perform summation on a single column, 2) create a running total, and 3) replace a complex pivot statement with aggregated sums.
The SQL Server SUM() function is an aggregate function that calculates the sum of all or distinct values in an expression. Here’s the syntax of the SUM() function: SUM([ALL | DISTINCT ] expression) Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql) In this syntax: ALL instructs the SUM() function to return the sum of all values including ...