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Aby sprawdzić swój Kod Twórcy, wykonaj poniższe kroki: Zaloguj się na swoje konto Epic Games tutaj: Wybierz po lewej stronie opcję PROGRAMY DLA TWÓRCÓW. Wybierz zakładkę programu Wesprzyj Twórcę lub Twórca wysp.
Players declare their support for a Fortnite Creator in-game by entering the creator’s code via the “Support-A-Creator” button. For Epic Games Store games, creators can share referral links on their channels or promote their Creator Code to their supporters, to get credit for sales of those games.
To check your Creator Code, follow the steps below: Log into your Epic Games account here:; On the left, select CREATOR PROGRAMS. Select the Support-A-Creator or Island Creator tab. Your Creator Code will be shown here if you have already joined one of the Creator programs.
Welcome to Support-A-Creator Support for Creator Programs. Our guides and answers will help you resolve many of your customer service needs.
Wesprzyj Twórcę to marketingowy program afiliacyjny stworzony z myślą o streamerach i osobach tworzących treści w mediach społecznościowych. Umożliwia twórcom otrzymywanie wypłat pieniężnych za tworzenie treści w Fortnite, Rocket League i innych grach z Epic Games Store.
Your code may have been disabled for several reasons including (but not limited to): You didn't complete the tax profile within the required time; Your Epic Games account was disabled due to a violation of the Epic Games Terms of Service; Your Creator Code was disabled because you are not eligible to participate in the program
Get help and support for Epic Games Creator Programs. These articles assist with Support-A-Creator, Fortnite, Creator codes and more. We can help you!