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Players declare their support for a Fortnite Creator in-game by entering the creator’s code via the “Support-A-Creator” button. For Epic Games Store games, creators can share referral links on their channels or promote their Creator Code to their supporters, to get credit for sales of those games.
- How do I check my Creator Code? - Creator Programs Support - Epic Games
To check your Creator Code, follow the steps below: Log into...
- How do I check my Creator Code? - Creator Programs Support - Epic Games
Aby sprawdzić swój Kod Twórcy, wykonaj poniższe kroki: Zaloguj się na swoje konto Epic Games tutaj: Wybierz po lewej stronie opcję PROGRAMY DLA TWÓRCÓW. Wybierz zakładkę programu Wesprzyj Twórcę lub Twórca wysp.
To check your Creator Code, follow the steps below: Log into your Epic Games account here:; On the left, select CREATOR PROGRAMS. Select the Support-A-Creator or Island Creator tab. Your Creator Code will be shown here if you have already joined one of the Creator programs.
Wesprzyj Twórcę to marketingowy program afiliacyjny stworzony z myślą o streamerach i osobach tworzących treści w mediach społecznościowych. Umożliwia twórcom otrzymywanie wypłat pieniężnych za tworzenie treści w Fortnite, Rocket League i innych grach z Epic Games Store.
Welcome to Support-A-Creator Support for Creator Programs. Our guides and answers will help you resolve many of your customer service needs.
12 wrz 2021 · With it, you can earn money from games such as Fortnite and more from the Epic Games Store. Basically, when your viewers/fans use your Epic Games Creator Code, you will earn $5 USD (or the equivalent of your local currency), for every 10k V-bucks spent by players who choose to support you.
1 kwi 2024 · We have all the details on Epic Games' "Support-A-Creator" program for you and show you how to get your own Creator Code in Fortnite.