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23 wrz 2020 · ‘Guitar, Sheet music and Wine glass’ was created in 1912 by Pablo Picasso in Synthetic Cubism style. Find more prominent pieces of still life at – best visual art database.
Like the letter-rack painters, Picasso teases the viewer to make sense of the combination of disparate elements, including a piece of his hand-painted wood-grain, his drawing of a wineglass, and snippets from a song sheet and Le Journal.
26 lis 2014 · "In Guitar, Sheet Music, Glass, Picasso assembled his collage from seven pieces ofpaper, cut and pasted to a wallpaper ground. Each of these pieces of paperremains a discrete representational element within the composition, which as awhole represents a guitar hanging on a wall. ...[T]he central portion of theguitar's body appears as a negative shape, defined…
'Picasso was een wonderkind. Hij kon als 4 jarige al schilderen als Velasquez. Ik heb woman flower als een hele mooie poster thuis aan de muur. ' 26 October Sketch from Crashbox wrote: 'This is disgusting, man ' 24 October Sketch from Crashbox wrote: 'What a very cute painting. ' 22 October Sketch from Crashbox wrote: 'This one looks scary. '
dc.coverage.temporal: creation date: 1912: dc.creator: Picasso, Pablo: en_US: 1912: 2007-03-29T19:18:07Z: 2007-03 ...
Audio from Picasso: Guitars 1912-1914.
Picasso’s 1912 piece Guitar, Sheet Music, and Glass exemplifies many of the techniques associated with Cubism. It uses traditional geometric shapes such as squares, rectangles, and circles, while also incorporating imperfect shapes like semi circles and rounded oblong figures.