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  1. › online › User_loginSDBOP Online Applications

    User Login. Profiles are available for licensed individuals only (not applicants). User Name. Password. Sign up/Reset User Name. Forgot password.

  2. › online › UserRegistrationsSDBOP Online Applications

    Physical Zip (If outside the United States, please enter the first 5 digits/characters of zip including space).?

  3. Access surveying and licensing information, public health laboratory testing, preparedness resources, response resources and a statewide trauma registry.

  4. Either License/Registration Number or Last Name is Mandatory. Please click on the Print option to view the license/registration details.

  5. In your account on the My Profile page, you also can update your personal information at any time. i. Please use this platform to update your personal address, phone number, and email as changes occur.

  6. Validate your registration with your South Dakota Controlled Substance Registration Number. If you do not know your number, you may search by name to find your number, or call your provider for their South Dakota specific registration number.

  7. Verify the licensure and credentials of pharmacists in South Dakota. Access the online verification system provided by the South Dakota Board of Pharmacy.

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