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31 gru 2014 · To be clear the return code you get from scp relates to its status on the local machine; it doesn't pass through the return code from the remote machine being copied from. So it will have a non-zero exit code if for example, the host doesn't exist, or credentials fail.
30 kwi 2017 · The problem you were running into with your command above is that you were using the data pull syntax of the scp command in order to grab a file from a remotehost, but you were also SSH'd into that remotehost while running it. The correct way to run this command is to run it from your local machine
13 mar 2018 · The error you got, specify that scp expect C to be the host name (as it is before the :) and scp didn't manage to locate hostname C. If you execute the scp command from the Ubuntu machine and want to copy a file from it to a remote Windows machine the scp format should be: scp local_filename username@hostname:/full/path/to/remote_file
26 gru 2023 · To download a file from Linux to the Windows computer using SCP, use the following command on the Windows computer: In this example, we copy /home/thomas/data/test.file from Linux to Windows into the directory c:\test. This is more convenient with WinSCP, as it offers an Explorer-like GUI.
In this Article we will cover examples on how to use the native scp cli command from the command prompt and the powershell to perform the SCP transfer. Scp works similar to the copy (cp ) command syntax , where it copies from one path to another. Source and destination path can be either local machine or remote machine.
Once you have installed PuTTY, you'll be able to launch the SCP command from the Command Line of Windows. NOTE: using Windows OS instead of the command "scp", please use the "pscp -scp" one. (Putty SCP). EXAMPLE. If the guide you are following tells you to run: scp tanaza-unifi-x.y.z.bin ubnt@ you have to run: pscp -scp tanaza ...
The solution was to disable stateful inspection on the Windows side that's running the sshd service using the following command (as an administrator): % netsh advfirewall set global statefulftp disable