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  1. The district's Student Information System (SIS), HISD Connect by PowerSchool, includes student contact, enrollment, and demographic information, as well as grades and online resources.

  2. Students can login now using their HISD credentials. (Do not use email address or place student\ in front of username). Student Login credentials: Network username (your S###) and password. example: Username: s2342345. Password: 05112003. Students and parents can also download the PowerSchool Mobile app. IOS. Android.

  3. Students can login now using their HISD credentials at the same portal as their parents: Student Login credentials: Network username (your S###) and password - (Do not use the email address or place student\ in front of username). example: username: S1234567. password: 03272015

  4. PowerSchool logins are granted by schools and districts so PowerSchool does not have this information. Please contact your school or district to access information and instructions. Learn more in our Parent & Student Resource Center. Featured Product Logins. Log in to Schoology Learning, a PowerSchool Unified Classroom product.

  5. Enter the Access ID and Access Password for each student you wish to add to your Parent Account

  6. login.classlink.comLogin

    Login with ClassLink. Find your login page. Use QuickCard

  7. Each of these school districts has or had (in the case of North Forest) a majority of its territory in the Houston city limits, so consult the district pages for lists of their schools: