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The SC Series is an ideal non-scraped solvent recovery unit for many small to medium operations generating solvent-laden materials. The units offer the highest BTU rating specific to the industry, and can operate in either batch or continuous modes alongside remote storage tanks and process equipment. All models are constructed for Class I, ...
- SC
The SC Solvent Recycling system is non-scraped, designed for...
- SC
The SC Solvent Recycling system is non-scraped, designed for applications with small to medium volume needs, with throughput rates up to 21 gallons per hour. Small SC units are also available with a top lid for bag applications.
The SCR™ solvent distillation system is the most durable, reliable, and safe system on the market. The scrape-sided Solvent Recycling System allows you to recover waste solvent, reducing waste and cost. Maximize Solvent Recovery: cut virgin solvent purchase volumes; reclamation rates as much as 90%; reduce hazardous waste disposal volume
StillClean is a portable onsite distillation system that will recycle your parts washer solvent keeping it clean for continuous use. StillClean provides actual distillation, as opposed to basic filtration, and can be directly connected to virtually any solvent based parts cleaner.
MAJOR SC 100 to środek o neutralnym lub perfumowanym zapachu, rozpuszczalny w wodzie w dowolnych proporcjach, posiadający głębokie zdolności penetrujące, umożliwiające dotarcie do miejsc niedostępnych dla innych środków czyszczących i odtłuszczających.
Caseway SC-100 is a solvent cement for bonding acrylic to itself and other plastics such as polycarbonate, styrene, and CAB (cellulose acetate butyrate). SC-100 is water thin and evaporates slower than SC-125 but faster than SC-94.
Bactericidal, yeast-killing and virucidal disinfectant. Multi-surface detergent cleaner - Biocide TP 2 and 4. 99% biodegradable (OECD test).