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  1. The R commands cov() and cor() can calculate the sample covariance and sample correlation between two variables. cov(armor$velocity, armor$penetration.area) [1] 471.0042 cor(armor$velocity, armor$penetration.area) [1] 0.743148.

  2. Calculate the value of the product moment correlation coefficient between x and y. Assess the statistical significance of your value and interpret your results. Solution (a) Use the formula sxy = 1 n ∑xy −xy when x = 108 12 =9 and y = 6372 12 =531. Thus sxy = 1 12 ()56825.4 −9×531=−43.55 Also sx = 1 12 ×1060.1−92 ≈2.7096 sy = 1 12 ...

  3. Covariance calculator online computing COV(X,Y). Supports weighted covariance calculation. Solves for sample covariance and population covariance and outputs the means of both variables. Covariance formula, assumptions, examples, and applications.

  4. 4 Standardization and Sample Correlation Matrix. For the data matrix (1.1). The sample mean vector is denoted as ~x and the sample covariance is denoted. p. as S. In particular, for j = 1; : : : ; p, let xj be the sample mean of the j-th variable and sjj be the sample standard deviation.

  5. sums of random variables, for which variances are easy to calculate. Sup-pose EY = Y and EZ= Z. Then var(Y+ Z) = E[Y Y + Z Z]2 = E (Y Y)2 + 2(Y Y)(Z Z) + (Z Z)2 = var(Y) + 2cov(Y;Z) + var(Z) where cov(Y;Z) denotes the covariance between Y and Z: cov(Y;Z) := E[(Y Y)(Z Z)]: Remark. Notice that cov(X;X) = var(X). Results about covariances

  6. Covariance is a generalization of variance as the variance of a random variable X is just the covariance of X with itself. Var(X) Cov(X, X) E[(X −. = = μX)2] Sign of Covariance Reflects the Direction of (X, Y) Relation. Cov(X, Y) > 0 means a positive relation between X, Y. When X increases, Y tends to increase.

  7. Two Types of Matrix Crossproducts. We often need to calculate one of two different types of crossproducts: X0Y = “regular” crossproduct of X and Y XY0 = “transpose” crossproduct of X and Y. Regular crossproduct is X0 being post-multipled by Y. Transpose crossproduct is X being post-multipled by Y0.

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