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  1. The shape of the Food Pyramid shows the types of foods and drinks people need to eat most for healthy eating. It is divided into six shelves and each provides you with the range of nutrients and energy needed for good health. Healthy eating is all about choosing the right amounts from each shelf. Many of the foods you eat, such as pizzas ...

  2. › healthy-eating › guidelinesThe Food Pyramid | safefood

    In the long-term, a healthy, balanced diet can reduce our risk of heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis and some cancers. The Food Pyramid for adults, teenagers and children aged 5 and over. The Food Pyramid organises food into five main shelves - a shelf for each food group.

  3. › getattachment › c92f1fdb-6f14-4e14-959e-c7b4346eb59cUnderstanding the Food Pyramid

    Following the Food Pyramid as a guide will help you get the right balance of nutritious foods within your Calorie range. Kilojoules and kilocalories are both measures (units) of the amount of energy in food. The correct term for what we commonly call ‘calories’ is kilojoules (kJ) or kilocalories (kcal). Studies show that we take in too many ...

  4. Healthy Eating Guidelines, use the Food Pyramid Guide and the Physical Activity Guidelines. Healthy eating is about getting the correct amount of nutrients – protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals you need to maintain good health. Foods that contain the same type of nutrients are grouped together on each of the shelves of the Food ...

  5. The key messages from Healthy Food for Life are: Eat more vegetables, salad and fruit - Up to seven servings a day. Limit intake of high fat, sugar, salt (HFSS) food and drinks. Size matters: Use the food pyramid as a guide for serving sizes. Increase your physical activity levels.

  6. › 7651 › c6c25958bba94748afaef3e9c51a12b2The Food Pyramid

    The Food Pyramid. For adults, teenagers and children aged five and over. Foods and drinks high in fat, sugar and salt. Most people consume snacks high in fat, sugar and salt and sugar sweetened drinks up to 6 times a day (Healthy Ireland Survey 2016).

  7. Use the Food Pyramid as a guide for serving sizes. nt of TV or computer screen. Make healthy choices. From Food Pyramid to Plate. Base your meals on plenty of vegetables, s – up to half your plate . ! and salt to sometimes and only in small amo. of child-bearing advised to microgrammes every day supplement. Get active.

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