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Find and download various forms for property assessment and tax relief in Sacramento County. Learn how to fill out and submit your form, and check the deadline for informal review requests.
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Assessor Forms. Gain Access to SacCounty News!
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For the full list of available forms at the Sacramento County Assessor’s Office, please see Assessor Forms. If you need additional information, please go to our website at:, email us at or call us at (916)875-0700.
You can contact your County Assessor by using the counties link. The Assessor in the county where the property is located can provide the best and specific assistance.
Filing period is July 2 through November 30*. Contact the Assessment Appeals Board at 700 H Street, Room 2450; Sacramento, CA 95814. Telephone: 916-874-8174, or visit the Appeals Board web site. *If the final filing date falls on a weekend, mail postmarked the next business day shall be deemed on time.
Free form. Whenever ownership or title of real estate changes, this form is required. The Recorder’s Office forwards it to the County Assessor to evaluate whether the assessed value will change, which affects annual property tax.