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SABER. CONJUGATIONS & USES. TO KNOW, TO DISCOVER, TO TASTE. SYNONYMS: CONOCER, ENTENDER, COMPRENDER. DEFINITIONS & EXAMPLES. SABER #1 - Talk ing abo u t t hing s yo u k no w o r fo u nd. o u t (T o k now / T o di s cove r/ f i nd ou t ) [Fo rm u la [ Saber co nju g at ed] + [ co m plem ent ] Su pim o s. qu e t e c asast e. ¡F elic idades! W e ...
Learn how to conjugate saber in Spanish. Full conjugation tables for the 18 most popular tenses, including full English translations and example sentences.
You can see an image containing the cheat sheet below. You can also get a ready-to-print PDF version. Note: The “vosotros” form (second person plural) is grey as a reminder that it is not used in Latin American Spanish (i.e. in most of the Spanish speaking world) where the “ustedes” form (third person plural) is used instead.
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Spanish verb saber conjugated in all tenses, including present, preterite, imperfect, future and subjunctive.
7 kwi 2023 · Check out our guide on how to conjugate saber in Spanish where you'll find charts, a conjugation practice quiz, and PDF cheat sheets.
saber to know (information) Conjugations / Conjugacíones Indicative Mood / Modo Indícatívo Present Tense Gerundio / Gerund Participio / Past Participle Imperative / / Nosotros Vosotros sabiendo sabido sabe sepa sepamos sabed Nosotros Vosotros sé sabes sabe sabemos sabéis Etios/ Eltos / Ustedes sepan Imperfect / Pretérito Imperfecto