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  1. 19 wrz 2019 · I've removed match-ups with <100 games played to reduce noise and look at only champions beating Ryze on average. (Observations: (1) Kled, Pantheon, and Yasuo are very tough match-ups top lane and have quite a few games against, (2) many 1-shot champions are pretty decent matchups for Ryze (Renekton, Aatrox, Nasus, Darius, Mordekaiser), (3 ...

  2. 10 cze 2021 · The last point is that ryze is pretty bad against beefy people, you would think a DPS champ is insane against tanks but as ryze you usually can’t build an early void staff or even the component so anyone can build mr and hp and just Ignore you for a majority of the game. Ryze needs everfresh top badly so you cant. Go into liandry either.

  3. 8 lut 2012 · Basically. Ryze counters iirc quite a few melee champions by outpoking them when they try to farm. The counter to him seems to be longer-range CC and killing him "100 to 0". Silences are supposedly effective (I've heard AP Soraka, but she might not be a great choice top). Ganks are usually rather effective against anyone who is trying to zone you.

  4. 18 lis 2019 · I think Ryze can build defensive enough to never get killed by Kassa, and Ryze actually will have lane pressure way earlier then usual, so overall sounds like a free lane for Ryze. Also don't forget that Ryze can match Kassadins roams with his own R, and that Kassa has to sacrifice farm in this matchup to roam in the first place, so yeah, I either i miss something, or it isn't a good matchup ...

  5. 8 mar 2022 · Ryze is very good against sylas and rumble mid. In the difficult match ups you want to just hard shove after your first back. The. Go into fog look for plays or clear vision. You have better wave clear so with tear and mana crystal you can keep the lane pushed. Kassa is an easy matchup for nowadays ryze iirc.

  6. 7 kwi 2014 · Ryze doesn't really have any 'hard' counters top, but he has a few skill matchups (Jayce, Riven, Kennen, Irelia, Quinn), and he is extremely vulnerable to jungle ganks if he isn't under turret. Just remember if you try and just push him in you can't abuse the fact that he is basically a free kill if ganked, so ideally you want to keep the lane at least in the middle.

  7. ryze is not a counter he is easy to beat being yorick, you are supposed to press w and then ult and then ryze is going to die. its not a counter because he is so easy to kill if you get him inside of ur w and you can build spectre's cowl and having spectre's cowl/dorans shield together makes it so ryze doesnt actually have the damage to kill you and then you can just rush triforce.

  8. 5 kwi 2020 · I have played 120 games on ryze this season alone with 58% win rate here is a list of his worst counters Yasuo, Diana, Orianna, Xerath, Kassadin and this one might just be me Zed. On top: Fleetwork rengar. On mid: Vlad.

  9. 7 sie 2019 · Ryze's biggest counter. Who (In your opinion) is the biggest counter to Ryze? I personally just hate jayce and vladimir. I don't know why but i just fucking hate them. Rito Game s. Vlad isn't so bad imo. The biggest matchup meme is Anivia. If you're against a good anivia then there actually isn't too much you can do.

  10. 28 sie 2022 · Ryze does negative damage to towers. So, unless you are close to getting a plate, focus on Roaming. But, oh right, you are top. You can't roam much, just mid and invade enemy jg. But you are Ryze early game. You can die fast to a rengar or something while no items. I think and also hope you get the idea.

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