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Find the structures you want to raid by pressing the + sign, input how many of them (example 2 HQM walls + 5 metal walls) and get the recommended stuff you’ll need to take it down! You can get the recommended with Tier 3 Workbench and recommended for lower tier workbenches.
Rust Raid Calculator ECO will give you a detailed overview on how to raid the most economical way of Rust. All features (so far): Hard-side/Soft-side when walls selected
With this calculator you can easily calculate the amount and cost of explosives needed for a raid. Also below is a table with which you can find out the total cost of a raid by adding in buildings and explosives used.
This cheat sheet can be used to raid stone walls with c4. The Chart can also be used to break metal walls and armoured walls with satchels. Guides like this can be used to break structures like sheet metal doors and armoured doors.
The cost chart below shows what is required for different eco raids. Eco raids do not use Sulfur, but instead utilize cheap melee weapons and tools. They typically take much longer than raiding using explosives, but can be sped up if you have more people participating in the raid.
I haven't added any contruction type except walls, because if you think about it foundations or floor has the same HP as wall, so if you're trying to destroy a soft sided floor you can use the soft-side hqm wall, if you want to destroy an hqm foundation just use the hqm wall.
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