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  1. Rubato (z wł., dosł. „obrabowanie”) – chwiejność tempa wynikająca z dowolnego wydłużania i skracania dźwięków podczas wykonywania utworów. Grane w taki sposób, by średni rytm na przestrzeni frazy lub taktu granego rubato był zgodny z oryginalnym.

  2. › how-to-read-sheet-music › rubatoRubato - Music Theory Academy

    The definition of rubato is a flexibility/freedom in the performance of a rhythm. Basically, rubato is when a performer doesn’t stick to the strict rhythms written by the composer, but alters them to give more expression to the performance.

  3. The Art of Rubato playing is at the very center of sounding musical on any instrument. Here are my tips on what to look out for and how to create a tasteful ...

  4. 24 lut 2024 · The best definition of rubato in music is the freedom or flexibility to choose your own tempo for a part or a phrase of music. It is important to note that this is not a one-dimensional slowing down or speeding up of the musical score, but a sensitive adjustment to the feel of the music.

  5. 19 kwi 2024 · What is rubato? How do we play it on the piano, and how do expectations for rubato usage differ by style period? This post will take you in-depth through the implications of rubato across the piano repertoire.

  6. › wiki › Tempo_rubatoTempo rubato - Wikipedia

    Tempo rubato (or a tempo rubato) means literally in robbed time, i.e., duration taken from one measure or beat and given to another, but in modern practice the term is quite generally applied to any irregularity of rhythm or tempo not definitely indicated in the score.

  7. Bezpłatna usługa Google, umożliwiająca szybkie tłumaczenie słów, zwrotów i stron internetowych w języku angielskim i ponad 100 innych językach.

  1. Wyszukiwania związane z rubato co to je tekst 2 3 1 3 equals how many ounces liquid cup

    rubato co to je tekst 2 3 1 3 equals how many ounces liquid cup of water