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There are a few factors you must consider for fearRP to apply. 1. Distance - The distance must be short enough that a reasonable person would fear the weapon. 2. Location - The location of where it takes place if a reasonable person can not easily get away/get to cover to produce a firearm. 3.
- Powergaming
Powergaming - FearRP - Superior Life Gaming
- Safe Zones
Do not create/do criminal roleplay (Includes but is not...
- Metagaming
Gathering in character information throughout of character...
- Chat Spam
Chat Spam - FearRP - Superior Life Gaming
- New Life Rule
If you die or are pronounced dead by Fire/EMS you are to...
- Vehicle Deathmatch
Using a vehicle to kill/hurt another player or damage their...
- Combat Logging
If your game crashes you must immediately go to the discord...
- Out-Of-Character
Talking in voice chat, game text chat using /ooc, /looc,...
- Powergaming
9 mar 2019 · Ważne dla Ciebie skróty. 1. FearRP - Unikanie zasady strachu, ignorowanie osoby, która prowadzi na Tobie "napad" z bronią w ręku(przykład). 2. FailRP - Niepoprawne RP, oszukiwanie w nim. 3. NLR - New Life Rule, nie możesz wykorzystywać informacji zdobytych przed śmiercią. 4. MetaGaming - Korzystanie z informacji zdobytych poza RP. 5.
7 lis 2020 · Fear Roleplay (FearRP) Fear Roleplay: čin je roleplay-anja straha za život vašeg lika ili život drugog pojedinca u situaciji kada je vaš karakter u izravnoj opasnosti i nema BILO KOJI NAČIN da se realno zaštiti.
Vecina vas zna RP Pravila, ali evo za novajlije. Mozete nauciti RP Pravila, uz njih i primere. Krenimo!
1 wrz 2022 · FearRP is when your character is threatened with a weapon or a tazer. When threatened by a weapon (meaning the weapon is pointed at you or is reasonably close to cause danger - such as in the same room or near you, where the person can obviously shoot within two seconds), your character is to obey the armed person.
Suicide RP/Terorism RP Glumljenje samoubojice i/ili terorista koji će svojim postupcima naštetiti RP iskustvu drugim igračima. Primjer: Organizirate tim ljudi i upadate na IC event te sve rešetate kako biste izvršili teror nad igračima.
Welcome to FearRP's steam group page! We are currently a growing small growing community that welcome any to and players! FearRP currently has one DarkRP server with tons of features like CS:GO Knifes, Figet Spinners, Vapes, and much much more.