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The Royal Palace of Naples is an historic building located in Piazza Plebiscito, one of the city's landmarks. It is one of the most representative museum complex in Naples, holding objects, decors, tapestries and rooms dating back to the Spanish and Bourbon periods and important paintings and frescoes by artists of the time.
- San Carlo Theater
Wanted by King Charles III of Bourbon in 1737, decades...
- Sleep
You could rent a familiy flat or rent a holiday house with...
- San Carlo Theater
The Royal Palace of Naples (Italian: Palazzo Reale di Napoli) is a historic building located in Piazza del Plebiscito, in the historic center of Naples, Italy.
After years Naples reconquers its hidden treasure, long hidden behind the stained glass and the weather of the Royal Palace, the hanging gardens of Royal Palace.
Marvel at opulent Baroque architecture, explore regal chambers adorned with frescoes and encounter masterpieces by renowned sculptors like Canova and Amendola. Rich in history, the palace unveils Naples' royal legacy through artefacts, statues, and panoramic views of the city.
Palazzo Reale, czyli Pałac Królewski, jest jedną z czterech rezydencji Dynastii Burbonów w Neapolu. Pozostałe to Caserta, Capodimonte oraz Portici. Okres panowania dynastii przypada na wiek XVIII i XIX, a jej zasięg terytorialny rozciągał się na całe Królestwo Neapolu oraz Królestwo Sycylii.
Palazzo Reale ha rappresentato per oltre tre secoli il centro del potere a Napoli e in tutta l’Italia meridionale. Con la sua mole grigia e rossa affacciata su piazza Plebiscito e sul golfo, costituisce una vera e propria porta della città verso il mare.
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