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English to Chinese dictionary with Mandarin Pinyin & Handwriting Recognition - learn Chinese faster with MDBG!
Welcome to the first and only living Chinese dictionary that is growing every day with its Chinese learners. You have the opportunity to contribute ways that you remember Chinese characters and photos of your Chinese writing as you learn from other students of Chinese.
Chinese-English Dictionary. Includes Simplified Characters, Traditional Characters, Pinyin, Stroke-Order, and Audio. Search using English, Mandarin Chinese, or Pinyin.
To find the exact Chinese translation in the Chinese to English dictionary there are several filters to help you. Use these to refine your results for style, category or several other options. Look up any Chinese to English translation directly in the Chinese online dictionary.
Look up Chinese, Pinyin or English, Show Examples and Help. This is a powerful Chinese-English dictionary. It lets you find words, hanzi, example sentences and more quickly and easily. Enter any Chinese text or English word in the search box and OMGChinese will search a myriad of data for you.
Online Chinese-English dictionary with native speaker sound for each Chinese character, word and example sentences.
Search Chinese words by Chinese pinyin, Chinese radical, Chinese character, Chinese textbook, and English in HanBook Online Mini Dictionary. Go to HanBook APP to get more free features like OCR, handwriting, and voice search.