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We are so pleased to share these open licensed educational materials, in which we deal with the building blocks of musical stave (sometimes known as staff) notation, a globally recognised language that is designed to communicate musical ideas. The particular ideas and concepts that we cover here include scale, and key, and harmonisation, and metre.
TheEssentialDictionaryofMusicNotation Accidentals APPROACHINGMUSIC NOTATION Musicnotationisalanguageand,assuch,it mustbecommunicable.Thecloserthenotation ...
broaden your musical intuition. This book is essentially a study of patterns in music. It looks at music literature as highly organized tonal designs. With few exceptions, the terms we employ are in com-mon use, and many of the procedures we use in analysis and composition are standard practice.
Understanding Basic Music Theory. This document was created with Prince, a great way of getting web content onto paper.
One of the rst steps in learning to read music in a particular clef is memorizing where the notes are. Many students prefer to memorize the notes and spaces separately.
Music is written on a music staff that consists of five lines and four spaces. You can refer to the lines and spaces as follows. The plural of staff is staves. Staves are often connected by a brace or bracket and bar lines. Notes can be drawn on a line or a space. A note on a line is centered on the line.
Melody, harmony, rhythm, and form and the expressive elements of dynamics, tempo, and timbre (tone color). An organized sequence of single notes. The simultaneous sounding of two or more tones. The combinations of long and short, even or uneven sounds that convey a sense of movement in time.