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Rolling is the main function of the game, which allows the player to roll for a chance to get different auras of varying rarities and designs. The rolling function consists of a button, centered at the bottom of a player’s screen, that, once pressed, will trigger a wheel-like animation, where...
PLAY ON TURBOWARP FOR 5000+ ROLLS A SECOND: simulate rolling 300* times a second in Sol's RNG! press space to set custom luck (anything that isnt a number will break it so uhh dont do that), p to pause the simulation, and b to show all auras over 99m rarity.
List of every soundtrack within the game.
Opening Animations are cutscenes exclusive to auras that have a rarity greater than 999. Additionally, every rarity from 1,000-9,999, 10,000-99,998, 99,999-999,999, 1,000,000-99,999,998, and above, each utilize a different kind of cutscene, except for [ OPPRESSION ], and OBLIVION.
Era8 Updated! 8 New Auras🛠️ 2 New Equipment Items🏆 18 New Achievements🎭 2 New Merchant Types offering potions and itemsWhat is Sol's RNG?🔄 Click the "R...
I wish I could've gotten a better clip, but I was playing league and didn't hear it until the flashing started, still very glad I pulled this! (5.76M rolls!)...
This SECRET METHOD Makes You ROLL FASTER in Roblox Sol's RNG Era 8.5!Subscribe to Valor!sols rng roblox Discord: Robl...