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To view your record of employment issued by an employer. Sign in or register for My Service Canada Account. A record of employment (ROE) provides information on employment history. It is the single most important document used by employees to apply for Employment Insurance (EI) benefits.
Follow the instructions to sign in. Once signed in you will be directed back to the ROE Web page. Select the "Forgot my User Reference Number?" link. Enter the email address associated to your account and answer your security questions. You will receive your URN by email.
To create an ROE for your employee, you can use Service Canada’s online ROE web service, your payroll provider’s ROE Secure Automated Transmission, or fill out a paper ROE. For more information on the ROE, go to Service Canada at Access Record of Employment on the web (ROE Web), or call their Employer Contact Centre at 1-800-367-5693 (TTY ...
29 lut 2024 · From here, click on the three dots in the top right corner and select Download from the dropdown. This will automatically start the download process for an XML file that contains the ROE information; Log in to ROE Web, go to the ROE main page and upload through the web service. For additional assistance, you can contact the Employer Contact Centre.
Step 7: Start issuing ROEs To Access ROE Online • Sign In or Register at ROE Web. • If you are unable to log in with your existing Government Canada unique credentials (GCKey), you can still recover access to your ROE Web account. • If you previously registered for ROE Web, you do not need to register a new organization. Once you sign
21 gru 2023 · Downloading the XML File: The ROE data needs to be downloaded as an XML file from your payroll system. This file format is specifically used for submitting ROEs electronically to Service Canada. Logging into Service Canada’s ROE Web: Visit the Service Canada website and log into the ROE Web portal. This is a secure platform for the submission ...
Employers are required to issue a ROE whenever someone stops working. You must complete the ROE even if the employee does not intend to apply for EI benefits. A summarized version of the ROE guide is viewable below and the guide is available to download here.