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  1. 9 gru 2019 · Allergic rhinitis is a symptomatic disorder of the nose induced after allergen exposure by an IgE-mediated inflammation of the membranes lining the nose.

  2. 1 sie 2021 · Rinitis alergi merupakan kondisi inflamasi pada mukosa hidung yang terjadi setelah paparan alergen dan diperantarai oleh immunoglobulin E (IgE). Rinitis alergi tidak hanya ditemukan oleh...

  3. 1 sty 2010 · Allergic rhinitis is a symptomatic disorder of the nose induced, after allergen exposure, by an immunoglobulin (Ig)E-mediated inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Allergic rhinitis is a global...

  4. 16 lip 2023 · Allergic rhinitis (AR) is an atopic disease characterized by symptoms of nasal congestion, clear rhinorrhea, sneezing, postnasal drip, and nasal pruritis. It affects one in six individuals and is associated with significant morbidity, loss of productivity, and healthcare costs.

  5. Allergic rhinitis (AR) is a common disorder that afflicts 400 million people worldwide and it represents a global concern as its prevalence has increased over the years (1). AR usually comorbids with other diseases such as asthma (2), leading to impaired quality of life, school or work performance, and significant financial impact.

  6. Allergic rhinitis is caused by a nasal reaction to small airborne particles called allergens (substances that provoke an allergic reaction). In some people, these particles also cause reactions in the lungs (asthma) and eyes (allergic conjunctivitis).

  7. Alergen inhalan di luar rumah berupa polen dan jamur. Alergen ingestan sering merupakan penyebab pada anak-anak dan biasanya disertai dengan gejala alergi lain, seperti urtikaria, atau gangguan pencernaan. Alergen ingestan misalnya susu, telur, coklat, ikan, dan udang.