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Copenhagen Airport buses provides all the information you need to know about the buses at Copenhagen Airport from timetables to fares to where to find the bus stops.
Read more about our free terminal bus and see the timetable here. See our list of bus routes to Copenhagen Airport and find information about our charter busses and shuttle busses here.
The private drivers are available to collect you from your hotel or from within the airport, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you are planning to travel from Copenhagen to Kastrup International Airport, then the shuttle is a great option as there is direct service.
Here you will find information about the airport's free terminal buses in Copenhagen Airport.
5 dni temu · Speaking of restaurants, no trip to the capital would be complete without a bite at its most popular local eateries, from minimalist dishes at Madklubben Vesterbro to trendy seafood at Kødbyens Fiskebar.
It takes 35 minutes to get from Copenhagen Airport to the Central Station. The bus operates with a frequency of 3 – 7 minutes’ intervals on peak hours (from 07:00 am to 9:00, and from 15:30 pm to 17:30 pm) and 10 minutes intervals outside peak hours. This bus also runs at night. Line 5C - Copenhagen Airport to Herlev Hospital.
It takes 35 minutes to get from Copenhagen Airport to the Central Station. Opening hours: Frequency every 3 to 7 minutes’ intervals on peak hours (from 07:00 am to 9:00, and from 15:30 pm to 17:30 pm) and 10 minutes outside peak hours (it also runs at night).