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10 lis 2014 · drop table will remove the entire table with data. delete * from table will remove the data, leaving the autoincrement values alone. it also takes a while if there's a lot of data in the table. truncate table will remove the data, reset the autoincrement values (but leave them as autoincrement columns, so it'll just start at 1 and go up from ...
MySQL TRUNCATE TABLE. The TRUNCATE TABLE statement is used to delete the data inside a table, but not the table itself. Syntax
To remove existing tables, you use the MySQL DROP TABLE statement. Here is the basic syntax of the DROP TABLE statement: DROP [TEMPORARY] TABLE [IF EXISTS] table_name [, table_name] ... The DROP TABLE statement removes a table and its data permanently from the database.
24 cze 2024 · The DROP TABLE command in SQL is a powerful and essential tool used to permanently delete a table from a database, along with all of its data, structure, and associated constraints such as indexes, triggers, and permissions.
4 lis 2022 · SQL DROP TABLE command is used to remove a table structure and its all records with indexes, triggers, constraints and also all the permission on that table, to remove the stored procedures and the view references to the dropped table we need to used DROP VIEW and DROP PROCEDURE explicitly.
You can download the sample database from the following link: Download MySQL Sample Database. The download file is in ZIP format, so you’ll need a zip program to unzip it. You can download a free zip program at
DROP [TEMPORARY] TABLE [IF EXISTS] tbl_name [, tbl_name] ... [RESTRICT | CASCADE] DROP TABLE removes one or more tables. You must have the DROP privilege for each table. Be careful with this statement! For each table, it removes the table definition and all table data.